Rest, reset, and reach higher potentials effortlessly.

Immersive Sound Experiences uses the evidence-based power of sound and vibration to prime the brain and body for well-being.





The best rest you ever had – on demand.

The secret to living well is as simple as getting quality rest. And sound is the unsung hero that makes passive rest achievable for anyone. As your brain tunes into the rhythm, vibrations, and frequencies of a sound experience (commonly referred to as "sound baths"), the nervous system shifts from a state of stress to a state of relaxation – where deep healing and optimal performance become possible. 

Reset your nervous system and thrive.

Modern life makes it hard for most of us to get the rest we need – rest that’s passive, healing, and productively restorative. So, we linger in a fight-or-flight state that keeps us in a cycle of poor sleep, mounting stress, and discontent. This is a vicious cycle – but a cycle that can be broken. 

You know the feeling after you have a really deep sleep? You wake up feeling refreshed and energized. You could take on anything. You feel good. That's because your body was able to shift into a restorative state that isn't possible when the brain is in a state of stress. 

Research shows that the more often we can lull our bodies into deep states of rest (awake or asleep), the better we will feel, think, and perform.

Immersive sound experiences do just that.

Tune into the benefits

Along with being a 100% passive and inclusive form of self-care, research shows immersive sound experiences can:

Improve Sleep

Support Healing

Reduce Stress

Alleviate Pain

Balance Moods

Boost Performance

Enhance Focus

Promote Well-being

Bring Immersive Sound Experiences to your group

and watch their potential unfold.

  • Corporate & Workplace

    Reduce stress, improve team communication, collaboration and performance, and enhance overall workplace well-being.

  • Education & Counseling

    Restore optimism, enhance communication, and prevent burnout for your educators, counselors, and students.

  • Gyms & Fitness Studios

    Optimize rehabilitation and recovery, improve focus, relieve stress, and gain a competitive edge.

  • In-Home Sessions

    Enjoy the ultimate relaxation and bonding experience with your family and friends from the comfort of your own home.


Hi, I'm Sarah Gardner

Founder & Lead Facilitator

Since the fall of 2020, I’ve helped thousands of Hoosiers reset their nervous systems and live in greater balance through the incredible power of sound. 

More than ever, our leaders, teams, and communities need and crave passive mental health and self-care modalities. Sound experiences are a 100% accessible and science-backed way to get off the road to burn-out and start living well. 

I'm passionate about this modality because I've seen the positive impact over and over again (especially in my own life) and I'm excited to see what immersive sound experiences will do for you!

A clear mind and better sleep is really this simple:



From on-site sessions to custom retreats, we'll create a unique sound experience for your group.



Sound experiences are a powerful form of self-care that asks nothing of you. Simply show up and get comfortable.



Sit, lie down, think, sleep, daydream –no matter how you spend the session, your brain will reap the benefits.

Praise for immersive sound experiences:

I went in with the expectation that it would be relaxing but this was so much more.

I was able to get to things in my memory that I have been trying to reach unsuccessfully in therapy, it is hard to even describe it in words.

I woke up today refreshed and for the first time in a long time, my day wasn’t ruled by anxiety.

Thank you, Sarah, for this gift.


I felt like I had just gotten a massage — that completely relaxed, totally zen, pure bliss feeling. I couldn’t believe my body had such a strong response in the moment. I didn’t realize how much tension I was holding until it was released.

The benefits surely continued; every morning I check my sleep results on my Fitbit and most mornings it reads ‘fair.’ The morning after the sound bath? ‘Good.’ The Fitbit even knows the glory of the sound bath!


Honestly, this is the best meditative type of practice I've ever done.

I’ve been meditating off & on for years but have never experienced something that rejuvenates me as much as this.


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